Sunday, January 31, 2010


iPhone Pictures, Images and Photos

Brand Name: Apple
Product: iPhone

5 Things that come to mind...
1. When I think of Apple I think of expensive products.
2. The ad's really stick out because they are creative and the music they use is always new. They sell the product not a celebrity. Apple sells itself.
3. I think of snobby people who look down on others that don't have everything Apple.
4. Apple is used in product placement everywhere. So it is very recognizable all of the time. When it pops up on the screen I think of the product.
5. When I go to the mall the Apple Store is one that always sticks out. It always looks futuristic and cool inside.

According to website the customers many of the words that were the biggest were the ones I agreed with the most. The positive ones were very easy to agree with. Some of these words include "trendy, white, and love" The products are very trendy and the color white is very clear and classy. People love their Apple products. They go crazy over them. Another one that stuck out was the word "Expensive" because many people think about this.When I got my iPhone I just felt like I needed to have it because it had everything I needed.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Favorite Ad

Pepsi Gladiator Ad
Feat. Britney Spears, Beyonce, Pink, and Enrique Iglesias

This is an international commercial featuring some of the biggest pop stars in the world. The commercial starts with a shot of old Rome from back in the gladiator days. You see Beyonce and the other ladies in revealing sexy gladiator costumes. It looks like the three will be battling to the death and the Emperor Enrique Iglesias will look on. But just before he grabs a can of Pepsi from a golden cooler. The girls bang the beat to "We Will Rock You" by Queen. This builds up a great moment of anticipation and then the three girls finally meet at the middle with weapons in hand. They start singing the song and get the crowd crazy. There is no fight to the death and the Emperor does not get his way.

This ad was not shown in the states because well frankly I believe that celebrities are too embarressed to have them be shown in their home countries. This ad really works because who would think that these three stars could film a commercial together? Egos aside and everything else. The imagery looked great because you had three beautiful girls dressed in sexy gladiator gear. There were lions and a lot of gold of everywhere. The song is a classic one that no one will ever get sick of. The Pepsi can looked great against the gold cooler and the color blue of the can was the only blue thing in the commercial so it really stuck out. All three of them have very different voices and it worked well with the song. The target audience is whoever is a fan of the four different stars or whoever is a fan of sexy girls in skimpy gladiator outfits. Whatever the case. Everyone wins.